Try this, it’s absolutely fantastic. No matter what you want to improve upon, anxiety, health, work, your marriage or relationship, or financial stress, the 5 Second Rule will turn things around in, yes, 5 Seconds. Whenever you face hesitation, fear, stress or procrastination to do anything, just count down 5 -4 -3 -2 -1 and then MOVE. The counting helps focus on your goal or commitment and distract you from your worries. When you hit “1” then MOVE. Counting and moving are actions. By teaching yourself to take action when normally you’d stop yourself by thinking and warring, you create remarkable change and improvement. When you hit “1” you are promoting yourself to take action, it interrupts the habits of hesitating, overthinking, and holding yourself back. Actually just standing up, or moving across a room to meet someone is enough to transform the moment from fear to success. Physical movement overcomes the hesitation, fear or anxiety: it stops your brain from spinning, spinning, spinning….
Author Mel Robbins distinguishes the 5 Second Rule from Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan. Whereas “Just Do It” is a concept, it’s what you need to do. The 5 Second Rule is a tool — it’s HOW you make yourself do it. That’s right, it stops you from thinking about what to do, and prompts you to actually do it. The Rule literally smashes your feelings, by providing a mechanism for action. After all, we NEVER FEEL like it. “It’s too hot. It’s too cold. It’s rainy. It’s too early. It’s too late. I’m too tired.” Our Excuses unlimited, so just start counting 5-4-3-2-1 and GO!
I’ve used this countless times since learning the Rule and it always pushes me to action. Try it, I know you’ll love it.
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